WWDL Servers Get world-class Internet connectivity, reliability and security - with all the control you'll ever need.


  • 100% Cisco 12000/7500 series routers and 5500 series switches
  • OC-3c private peering with networks eliminates congestion.
  • High-speed local backbone connectivity provided by multiple OC-12c links attached to multiple national OC-192 SONET rings.
  • Self-healing global network connecting over 105 countries.
  • Fully redundant 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet/FDDI high-speed switched backbone
  • High-speed connectivity to the Internet, via clear channel OC-12c (622Mbit/s) technology. The fastest technology commercially available.
  • 24x7 remote access for updates and database connectivity
  • 24x7 monitoring, maintenance and security
  • Use your server or we can provide one - completely pre-configured
  • Support for a wide range of extensions and databases
  • Choose the amount of bandwidth you need