Alex Jacovlev

Marketing expert Alex Jacovlev has been creating and managing websites for over 16 years and is one of the top marketing specialists in the world. Mr. Jacovlev has created and currently manages over 1,000 top websites, over half of which rank in Google’s top ten search results for their targeted search term queries. As co-founder of one of the most popular online dating sites in the world, Alex Jacovlev is a technology-focused marketing specialist with dynamic foresight and an eye for good ideas. Alex is not only in charge of the website and marketing of A Foreign Affair, but he has 20 years of programming project management experience. Having established and maintained 15 offices around the world in places like the Philippines, China, Costa Rica, the Ukraine and Thailand, Alex Jacovlev has proven time and time again his ability to utilize new marketing technology, manage multiple projects, and expand when the time is right. With his expertise and experience in marketing, technology and web design, Alex Jacovlev is one of the top marketing experts in the field.